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© Susan M. Reynolds

3.5 x 5 - Custom Print
3.5 x 5 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $6.00
4 x 6 - Custom Print
4 x 6 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $9.00
5 x 7 Custom Print
5 x 7 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $14.00
8 x 10 Custom Print
8 x 10 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $25.00
11 x 14 - Custom Print
11 x 14 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $48.00
8 Custom Print Wallets
8 Wallets per sheet -  $17.00
5 x 5 Custom Print
5 x 5 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $10.00
8 x 8 Custom Print
8 x8 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $18.00
10 x 10 - Custom Print
10 x 10 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $28.00
12 x 12 - Custom Print
12 x 12 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $45.00
20 x 20 - Custom Print
20 x 20 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $95.00
6 x 9 - Custom Print
6 x 9 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $22.00
8.5 x 11 - Custom Print
8.5 x 11 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $26.00
8 x 12 - Custom Print
8 x 12 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $28.00
9 x 12 - Custom Print
9 x 12 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $29.00
10 x 13 - Custom Print
10 x 13 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $43.00
10 x 15 - Custom Print
10 x 15 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $49.00
10 x 20 - Custom Print
10 x 20 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $55.00
12 x 18 Custom Print
12 x 18 - Premium Photo Luster Print  $58.00
12 x 24 - Custom Print
12 x 24 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $78.00
16 x 20 - Custom Print
16 x 20 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $84.00
16 x 24 Custom Print
16 x 24 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $94.00
20 x 24 - Custom Print
20 x 24 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $105.00
20 x 30 - Custom Print
20 x 30 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $150.00
24 x 36 - Custom Print
24 x 36 - Premium Photo Luster Print -  $198.00
5 x 15 - Custom Panoramic Print
5 x 15 - Premium Photo Luster Panoramic Print -  $28.00
5 X 30 - Custom Panoramic Print
5 x 30 - Premium Photo Luster Panoramic Print -  $58.00
Session Fee Deposit: $75.00
This deposit holds the date/time of your session.  $75.00